
Arts & Autographes

Réf : 29654 HISTOIRE

1 000 €


DUKE Charlie (Charles Moss Duke, dit) [né à Charlotte, Caroline du Nord, en, 1935], astronaute américain. Il est à ce jour un des douze hommes, et le plus jeune, à avoir marché sur la Lune.

Lettre signée

Lettre dactylographiée signée, adressée à un admirateur. Sans date ; 1 page in-4°. Extraordinaire récit de son voyage sur la lune : « My trip to the moon was an exciting timpe from lift-off to splashdown. It was one exciting adeventure after another. The lift-off itself was very, very shaky atop the huge Saturn V rocket for about the first three minutes […]. We landed on the moon four days after lift-off. John Young an I were very excited ! […] Everywhere we walked, we left a set of footprints. When I had been back on Earth in my spacesuit and life support equipment I weighed 632 pounds. But on the moon I only weighed 60 pounds and I could jump like a kangaroo ! I was excited, fascinated and I was enjoying myself very much. I felt right at home. My walk on the moon was eight years ago and is still a fond memory for me. »