
Arts & Autographes


400 €


SWINNERTON Frank [Londres, 1884 - Old Tokefield, 1982], romancier, critique, biographe et essayiste anglais.

Lettre autographe signée

Lettre autographe signée, adressée à M. Green. Old Tokefield, Cranleigh, Surrey, 31 mai 1954 ; 1 page 1/2 in-12. « I had a pencil note from Mrs. Pauline Smith this morning. She is so ill that I think it would not be kind to bother her about letters from Arnold Bennett. If she recovers, which seems extremely doubtful as her heart is under great strain, I will ask her on your behalf if she has anything for you. She will not have letters, because I believe it was a consideration of their correspondence that the letters should be destroyed when read […]. Thank you very much for your further praise of my introduction and your kind remarks about my handwriting. I have lived with this writing for so long and seen so much of it […] that I am heartily sick of its appearance ».