
Arts & Autographes

Réf : 34057 SCIENCES

600 €


BYRD Richard [Winchester, Virginie, 1888 - Boston, 1957], marin, aviateur et explorateur américain.

Lettre signée, adressée à la Mishawaka Rubber and Woolen Manufacturing Company

Lettre signée, adressée à la Mishawaka Rubber and Woolen Manufacturing Company. Boston, 25 août 1933 ; 1 page in-4°. En-tête imprimé « Byrd Antarctic Expedition II ». « Making a personal appeal to you to help the Byrd Antarctic Expedition II which is to leave September 15. During this period of depression, on account of the many destitute people, I have not felt warranted in going out to raise money for our Expedition. We have reached the very end of our rope financially, and our Expedition hangs by a thread, unless we can get certain items donated which we have not yet succeeded in procuring. We have gone so far in our requirements that it would seem a pity to be stopped for lack of one or two vital items [...]. We are going to use a Curtiss-Condor for the main flying which we will do in the Antarctica and the Curtiss-Wright Corporation are going a long way towards helping us. They are in hopes that the various manufacturers who supply material for his plane will see their way clear to be able to make donations of their parts [...]. On looking over their list I find that you manufacture the following: Monopul Fasteners for inspection pockets $63.00 per ship...» Il lance un appel à soutenir son expédition antarctique Byrd II. Il évoque l’utilisation d’un Curtiss - Condor « pour le principal vol que nous ferons dans l’Antarctique et la Curtiss - Wright Corporation va nous aider ».