Extraordinaire réunion de 3 autographes dans une lettre autographe signée de Gedeon Gorrequer, adressée à Hudson Lowe. Sainte-Hélène, 14 décembre 1818 ; 4 pages in-8°, en anglais et en français.

GORREQUER Gedeon [1741 – 1841], officier anglais, aide de camp de H. Lowe à Sainte-Hélène. « Count Balmain said, that notwithstanding count Bertrand and Montholon had called upon him, he has never returned their visits, nor had he ever renerved his application to be prevents to Bonaparte — though he has received the authority of his court, to ask to be presented as a private individual — but he has prefered acting on his own discretion “et attendre une occasion plus propice”. The governor repleid, he was now ready (as he had always been and frequently has offered) to present them the commissionneers when ever they applied — that if they wrote to him on the subject, he was ready to send them an answer. G. Gorrequer, major. »

À la suite 5 lignes autographes signées en français du comte Balmain : 

RAMSAY DE BALMAIN Alexander Antonovitch, comte [1779 – Saint Pétersbourg, 1848], diplomate russe d’origine écossaise, commissaire du gouvernement russe à Sainte-Hélène. Il arrive à Sainte-Hélène le 17 juin 1816. Il repartira le 3 mai 1820 sans avoir été reçu par l’Empereur malgré ses liens avec certains membres de la colonie française.

« Ceci n’est pas entièrement exact, attendu qu’il y a une (1) transposition des divers points de la contestation, qui dénature (2) le fait. Le Cte Balmain. »

Suivent deux pages autographes signées de la main de G. Gorrequer : « The Conversation was a long one, but the part to which this relates very short, and the note was taken down in writing immediatly afterwards by me and read by the Governor, to whom I appeal for its […]. The conversation was in french, but the purpose the same as I saw expressed above, which was copied verbatim from the original note, without transposition or alteration. G. Gorrequer, major. St Helena 22 February 1819. »

Suivent les indications des renvois dans le passage du comte Balmain :

« (1) This word was not in the original paper with Count Balmain’s signature, but found to be added after the second note had been written by me, and the paper again returned by him. 

(2) This word in the original was “dénaturent”. G. Gorrequer, major. »

La fin de ce document est écrite par Hudson Lowe :

LOWE sir Hudson [Galway, 1769 – Chelsea, 1844], général britannique, gouverneur de Sainte-Hélène. « The explanation of Major Gorrequer are confirmed by me. Any difference drawn from transposition, in support of …… Count Balmain ………………… establish as the meaning of my anxious to him on the occasion referred to, is not only ………… but can be demonstrate in direct opposition to the whole ……… of my conversations with him. It is only to ……… this apprehension of my words & meaning the term “denature” ……. properly apply. H. Lowe. »

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